
...day four

Ennis/Cliffs of Moher

We had breakfast in our haunted (to me) hotel. I fought with a ghost in the middle of the night, lol. Then we loaded up for the spectacular Cliffs of Moher. The cliffs are over 700 feet above the ocean, and the amazing thing to me is that the water is blown up the cliff from the ocean below. Now that's some definite wind power! A couple of my pictures show the water blowing up over the cliffs. The rain held off, but the wind was staggering. I braved it to to the top of the cliffs and was rewarded with the most beautiful view I've seen in a long time. Well worth every bit of wind burn!!

We then traveled across The Burren - limestone plateaus - to Galway, a quaint fishing village, where we stopped for lunch at McDonough's for fish and chips. Then we walked through the town and checked out a few of the shops.

Back on the bus to Connemara Region - in Moycullen we went to the Connemarra Marble Factory. No pictures from the factory, but I learned so much about the marble and amethyst that had been mined there. Some of the marble was 250 to 750 MILLION years old.


Cliffs of Moher:

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